Our commitment to a bit b. By streaming the bits of our commitment in the correct order, the commitment can be computed and read in very low space, and remains secure as long as the adversary's storage is somewhat smaller than the total length of the commitment. Prior commitments in the bounded storage model were rather complicated and required 5 messages. In contrast, our protocol is extremely simple and only requires a single message. See .
Cryptography typically models adversaries as time-bounded, but what about adversaries that are space-bounded? The space-bounded model allows for unconditional and everlasting protocols, sometimes far simpler than their time-bounded counterparts. If we bound time and space, we can also achieve never-before-possible functionalities, such as ciphertexts that effectively disappear after transmission.

Somewhere Randomness Extraction and Security against Bounded-Storage Mass Surveillance
By Jiaxin Guan, Daniel Wichs and Mark Zhandry
In TCC 2023

Incompressible Cryptography
By Jiaxin Guan, Daniel Wichs and Mark Zhandry

Disappearing Cryptography in the Bounded Storage Model
By Jiaxin Guan and Mark Zhandry
In TCC 2021

Simple Schemes in the Bounded Storage Model
By Jiaxin Guan and Mark Zhandry