COS 533 - Advanced Cryptography (Spring 2021)

Course Information

Instructor: Mark Zhandry ()
     Office Hours: By appointment
TAs: Ben Kuykendall and Jiaxin Guan
Time: TuTh 1:30pm - 2:50pm (EST)
Location: Zoom
Grading: Based on homeworks every ~2 weeks, scribing some lectures

Course Description

This course will cover a selection of advanced topics in cryptography. Examples of potential topics include: COS 533 is intended to complement the topics covered in COS 433, covering some of the more recent advances in cryptography and with a greater emphasis on theory.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with computability and complexity theory, such as that covered in COS 340 (Turing Machines, P vs NP, NP-completeness, etc). Basic number theory (arithmetic modulo primes, composites). COS 433 is not required, though some familiarity with crypto concepts (one-way functions, encryption, digital signatures, public key vs secret key cryptography, etc) is recommended.

Example Schedule (subject to change based on student interest)

Lecture Topic Scribe Notes
1 - Tu, 2/2 Course introduction, review of basic crypto concepts [1]
2 - Th, 2/4 Cryptography from minimal assumptions [2]
3 - Tu, 2/9 Cryptography from minimal assumptions, cont. [3]
4 - Th, 2/11 Cryptography from minimal assumptions, cont. [4]
5 - Tu, 2/16 Class Cancelled
6 - Th, 2/18 Algebraic tools for Cryptography [5]
7 - Tu, 2/23 Algebraic tools for Cryptography, cont. [6]
8 - Th, 2/25 Algebraic tools for Cryptography, cont. [7]
9 - Tu, 3/2 Algebraic tools for Cryptography, cont. [8]
10 - Th, 3/4 Zero Knowledge [9]
11 - Tu, 3/9 Zero Knowledge [10]
12 - Th, 3/11 Identity-based encryption [11]
Tu, 3/16 No Class - Spring recess
13 - Th, 3/18 Identity-based encryption [12]
14 - Tu, 3/23 Traitor Tracing [13]
15 - Th, 3/25 Fully Homomorphic Encryption [14]
16 - Tu, 3/30 Fully Homomorphic Encryption [15]
17 - Th, 4/1 Functional Encryption [16]
18 - Tu, 4/6 Obfuscation [17]
19 - Th, 4/8 Obfuscation [18]
20 - Tu, 4/13 Obfuscation [19]
21 - Th, 4/15 Post-quantum cryptography [20]
22 - Tu, 4/20 Post-quantum cryptography [21]
23 - Th, 4/22 Quantum Cryptography [22]
24 - Tu, 4/27 Quantum Cryptography

Homework Assignments

Homework 0. Due 2/3
Homework 1. Due 2/25
Homework 2. Due 3/12
Homework 3. Due 4/15
Homework 4. Due 5/5

Instructions for Homeworks: Please type up your solutions (LaTeX preferred). Submit your solutions to Canvas by the due date.

Templates for Scribe Notes


Latex source files for first lecture